Problem 8
The 8th problem in the project_euler website didn’t offer a lot of resistance. I started by defining the 1000-digit number in Haskell, naming it n. So, I had something like:
import Char
import List
n :: Integer
n = 73167176531 ... 52963450
(I didn’t see the point of writing the entire number here, since it is very big). Afterwards, it was a matter of defining this simple function:
f :: Integer -> Int
f = head . reverse . sort . g . map digitToInt . show
Where g is defined as:
g (x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:xs) = x1*x2*x3*x4*x5 : g (x2:x3:x4:x5:xs)
g _ = []
One could argue that it could be more efficient, however my ghci calculates the following execution time: (0.03 secs, 1834872 bytes)
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