Problem 37
In the 37th Euler problem, I used the Hackage package containing the NumberTheory.Sieve.ONeill library in order to have access to an efficient infinite list of primes. Then it was a matter of manipulating lists to achieve the result.
import NumberTheory.Sieve.ONeill
import List
import Char
myElem (x:xs) n
| n == x = True
| n > x = myElem xs n
| n < x = False
The myElem function searches a specific number in a sorted list (i.e. in the infinite prime list). Furthermore, it was a matter of defining the following functions:
g :: Int -> Bool
g n = foldr (&&) True (truncatable (show n))
truncatable :: [Char] -> [Bool]
truncatable n = map (myElem primes) (map h (delete "" (nub (inits n ++ tails n))))
where h n = read n :: Int
main = print $ sum (take 11 $ filter g (drop 4 primes))
The truncatable function produces a list of boolean values indicating if all the numbers of a list are prime, while g performs the logical and over the list. Finally, the main function produces the result with the following execution time:
real 0m0.670s user 0m0.662s sys 0m0.006s
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