Optimizing the ackermann function using haskell
This article aims to be the first one of a series of articles concerning the optimization of the Ackermann function using Haskell. The problem with this function is that it grows really fast even with very low numbers. It is not a primitive recursive function, however it is a total recursive function. Here is the simplest Haskell definition of it:
module Ackermann (ackermann) where
ackermann m n | m == 0 = n+1
| m > 0 && n == 0 = ackermann (m-1) 1
| m > 0 && n > 0 = ackermann (m-1) (ackermann m (n-1))
This definition resembles very much its mathematical definition. If one tries to execute it with low inputs (less than m=4) it runs well, however if one tries to run this function with m=4 and n=1… well, I never waited long enough to see its output :-) The biggest problem is the recursion. For example, if both n and m are greater than zero, the function has a double recursion, which is very consuming both in terms of time and resources. There are of course many possibilities for optimizing this function: using fix point, memoization (by using a state monad) or non-recursively by means of the Knuth’s up-arrow notation. In further articles I will try each one of those optimizations and see if I can compute the Ackermann function with m=6 and n=6 :-)